Friday, March 25, 2011

Farewell at ssn

karthick mohan

karthick mohan
Farewell Dress code

karthick mohan
Farewell cake Yummy.... Unforgettable lovely cake Thanks juniors :)

karthick mohan
 Me and My Room mate
karthick mohan
Fun Time after Farewell


Google Top View (My Home)
karthick mohan
My Home :) The place I Love the Most, where I spent and shared first 20 years of my life :)
karthick mohan
From left (Visu, Me, Ramani(My bro) )
karthick mohan

From left (Ramani, Babu, Visu, Me)
karthick mohan
While climbing Up
karthick mohan

Between Dark woods

Sleepless Nights

  Under the moon's cold gaze, I lay tangled in the sheets of another sleepless night. The rhythmic ticking of the clock echoed through t...